Since we build applicators for just about everything here at Ag Enterprise Supply, Inc. There is no reason we can’t put one on a boat. This was designed built, tested, and picked up by the customer in a day and a half time period. An SDI 16’ boom was used and the rest of the frame was made in house. For transport the booms will fold back against the edge and lock in with a pin to keep them from swinging out going down the road. A Hypro D-30 diaphragm pump was used to achieve the pressure needed with Honda reliability driving it. High pressure hose was and a 50 gallon Ace Rotomold tank keep the product where it is supposed to be. Since foam markers don’t work well on water a Raven Cruizer was installed to help keep the line straight. Not shown in these pictures are the drops coming off of each nozzle body that hang down 3’ into the water with Teejet tips pushing the product down deeper under the pressures that are being used. Not very many businesses would manufacture such a product in as little of a time period let alone take on one so out of their normal line of work. It was put to work right away on a 90 acre patch of Milfoil at a lake in Idaho.