Tool Box
In addition to employing a knowledgeable staff and a wide selection of industry-leading products, Ag Enterprise Supply Inc. uses the best available systems and devices for the maximizing efficiency in farm operations and minimizing unnecessary spending.
TeeJet® SpraySelect App
The large number of spray tip choices available today can be a bit overwhelming. With the increasing number of crop protection products available and greater number of applications being made, proper tip selection and droplet size management is more important than ever.
TeeJet Technologies is pleased to offer growers and custom applicators a new tool for simplifying their spraying operations.
SpraySelect allows you to quickly and easily choose the proper tip for your application.
Just enter speed, spacing and your target rate, select your droplet size category and a list of tip recommendations is provided.
- Recommends the top three tips for your application.
- Determines target spray pressure.
- Calculates correct flow rate.
- Defines droplet size range.
- Verifies tip performance with the spray tip calibration tool.
- Locates a nearby teejet retailer.
- More on features
SpraySelect supports US and Metric units along with 17 languages, including: English, Spanish, French, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, German, Polish, Russian and several others.
It is available at no cost for both Apple® and Android™ devices and is also available on under Tools. To download the mobile app, follow the links below or visit the app store and search “TeeJet.”
Ag Professional – iPhone Mix Tank Calculator
Ag Professional recently released an article entitled “Update released for mix tank app for iPhone.”
Precision Laboratories has released an update to its Mix Tank app for the iPhone and iPod touch. The Mix Tank app, launched in March of this year, is the first of its kind to determine the proper mixing sequence for pesticides, adjuvants and foliar nutrition products to help avoid tank mixing problems.
Version 1.1 of the Mix Tank app, available as a free download on the App Store, includes an entirely new home screen user interface, allowing users easy access to the app’s primary functions. Also included in the update is an easier way for users to share the app with others, and an optional email signup to receive app-specific updates before they’re released publicly.
“Our first update to the Mix Tank app was based on the great feedback we continue to receive,” said Jim Reiss, vice president of agricultural chemistries at Precision Laboratories. “Users expressed that our mixing sequence videos, as well as where and how to submit missing crop protection products, should be more easily accessible. We’ve responded to their feedback and think they’ll enjoy this update.”
Since the Mix Tank app launched, more than 150 crop protection products have been added to the database, putting the total at over 900 products.
“Before the app officially launched, our team quickly realized that the app was no longer ours,” said Reiss. “The Mix Tank app is for the users and we’ll continue to make it a valuable tool they can rely on to avoid tank mixing problems.”
DuPont – Crop Protection | Tank Mix Calculator
The DuPont TankMix Calculator Application allows you to easily calculate the amount of product you will need to treat a specific field area, the amount of product you need to apply to a specific tank size, the amount of water you’ll need to treat a specific field area or the amount of product you need to get the desired Volume to Volume ratio. It offers a wide selection of Units of Measure to make it useful anywhere in the world and it gives you the flexibility to enter information using both decimal or fractions.
Download the Free Tank Mix App below.