The private applicator side of Ag Enterprise Supply, Inc. seems to be growing more and more every year. The more projects we have out there, the more people see them at work and come to us to get one for themselves. This particular customer came to us several years ago with a simple single tank unit with a diaphragm pump and 200’ hose reel. It worked very well for several years doing lawn work as well as de-ice application during the winter. Eventually though, it was just not large enough to keep up with the growing work load. The customer returned to us to have a new one built to their needs. To prevent outgrowing on this one a 300 gallon and a 200 gallon Ace Rotomold PCO (Pest Control Operator) style tanks were used. This allows different products to be applied by a single spray unit. Two pumps were installed, one Ace centrifugal for higher volume/lower pressure work and a Hypro D-30 diaphragm pump for the high pressure/lower rate work, both are powered by reliable Honda 5.5 HP engines. On the other side are two 200’ Reelcraft electric hose reels with our in-house designed and built control panels. All the wiring is weather resistant with solder-n-seal connectors and heat shrink tubing on the larger terminals. With winter work in mind, a 3 lane de-ice bar and manifold was installed. To increase winter efficiency, a three-way Banjo side-load valve was installed to connect the two tanks giving 500 gallons of capacity to go through the Ace pump when applying de-ice. A remote start/stop was incorporated into the in-cab switchbox so the driver doesn’t have to get in and out all winter starting and stopping the Honda between jobs. A very nice clean build that will last a long time.